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#2023年6月英语六级作文、翻译题汇总!| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




唐诗是指在唐朝或唐朝前后所写的诗歌,并且这些诗歌都遵循着固定的格律(rhythm and rhyme)。人们往往认为唐朝是中国诗歌的黄金时代。在《全唐诗》这本书里,收录了2,200位作者所创作的48,900首唐诗。在唐朝,唐诗一直是各阶级中社会生活的重要一环。当时的读书人需要掌握诗歌创作以参加科举考试(imperial examination),不过这门艺术是每一个人都可以学习的。正因如此,涌现了很多诗歌与诗人。如今,两个最负盛名的唐朝诗人是李白和杜甫,他们的作品也一直在影响者现代文学。

【译文】Tang poetry refers to the poems written during or around the Tang Dynasty, which follow fixed rules of rhythm and rhyme. The Tang Dynasty is often considered as the golden age of Chinese poetry. The book Quantangshi contains 48,900 Tang poems written by 2,200 poets. Tang poetry was an important part of social life among all classes in the Tang Dynasty. Scholars were required to master poetry creation in order to participate in the imperial examination, but this art form was available to everyone to learn, leading to a plethora of poems and poets. Today, the two most famous Tang poets are Li Bai and Du Fu, whose works continue to influence modern literature.

2、民族中国是一个统一的多民族国家,56个民族组成。中国一直实行民族平等的政策。在各个民族中,汉族人口最多,占全国总人口的91%以上。其余的55个民族习惯上被称为少数民族。少数民族人口数量虽少,但地区分布很广,主要居住在西北、西南和东北等地。蒙古族主要分布于内蒙古高原(Inner Mongolian Plateau),被称为“草原民族”(Grassland people);藏族主要分布于青藏高原,被称为“高原之鹰”(Eagles of Plateau)。千百年来,中国各族人民在不同的自然和社会历史条件下,形成了不同特色的风俗和习惯。


As a united multi-ethnic nation, China is comprised of 56 ethnic groups. China has always implemented the policy of equity among all ethnic groups. Among the 56 ethnic groups, the Han nationality has the largest population, accounting for more than 91% of the total population. The other 55 ethnic groups are commonly referred to as ethnic minorities. The ethnic minorities, though with a considerably small population, are widely distributed regions such as the northwest, southwest and northeast. Inner Mongolians, often called the “Grassland people”, are mainly distributed on the Inner Mongolian Plateau. Tibetans mainly distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are often called the “Eagles of Plateau”. For thousands of years, people of different ethnic groups in China have developed diverse customs and habits under different natural and social-historical conditions.


《本草纲目》(The Compendium of Materia Medica)是中国宝贵的文化遗产,在世界医学史、人文史和科学史上都占有重要地位。它是中国古代医学史上最具影响力和最全面的医学百科全书(encyclopedia)。作者李时珍是中国古代最伟大的药学家之一。《本草纲目》于2011年被列入联合国教科文化组织的世界记忆项目。这不仅证明了这一医学杰作的国际意义,也表明了它对世界文明发展的重要影响,也将促进中医的国际化。


The Compendium of Materia Medica, as a precious Chinese cultural heritage, plays an important role in the history of medicine, humanities and sciences in the world. It is the most influential and comprehensive medical encyclopedia ever written in the ancient history of Chinese medicine. The author, Li Shizhen, is one of the greatest pharmaceutical scientists in ancient China. The Compendium of Materia Medica was listed on the Memory of the World Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation in 2011. This does not only testify to the international significance of this medical masterpiece, but also demonstrates its important influence on the development of world civilization and will also spur the internationalization of Chinese medicine.


自从中国首次将人类送上太空,已经过去了大约二十年。神舟十五号载人飞船于2022年11月29日发射升空并进入预定轨道,成功对接(dock with)于空间站天和核心舱(core module)前向端口(forward port)。神舟十五号3名航天员顺利进驻中国空间站,两个航天员乘组首次实现“太空会师”。中国政府积极制定发展航天事业的政策与措施,科学部署各项航天活动,充分发挥有效市场和有为政府作用,营造良好发展环境,推动航天事业高质量发展。


It has been around 20 years since China first sent humans to space. On November 29th, 2022, the manned spacecraft Shenzhou-15 was launched and entered the designated orbit. It successfully docked with the forward port of the Tianhe core module of the Chinese space station. The three astronauts on Shenzhou-15 entered the Chinese space station smoothly, and two astronauts met up with the crew for the first time in space. The Chinese government actively formulates policies and measures to develop the aerospace industry, scientifically deploys various aerospace activities, and fully plays the role of an efficient market and capable government, creating a favorable development environment, and promoting high-quality development of the aerospace industry.


1、人工智能(利弊分析)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “Nowadays, people are increasingly aware of the impact of artificial intelligence on our life.” You can make statements, give reasons, or cite examples to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

【范文】Nowadays, people are increasingly aware of the impact of artificial intelligence on our life. From virtual assistants to self-driving cars, AI has brought about many positive changes but also poses potential risks and ethical concerns.On the one hand, AI serves as an engine that drives both our study and work. AI-powered machines can perform tasks at a faster speed, leading to increased productivity in industries such as manufacturing, information technology, and healthcare. Moreover, AI-powered devices can provide personalized recommendations, considerably enhancing customer experiences and improving our daily lives. On the other hand, AI also raises a number of concerns. There is the risk of unemployment, as AI becomes more capable of performing tasks traditionally performed by humans. Additionally, over-reliance on AI may pose potential threats to humans’ independent thinking as well as the capacity for discovery, since some people would stop thinking themselves and rely solely on AI when making decisions.  In conclusion, we should recognize the significance of AI and anticipate its great potential. With careful considerations and appropriate regulations, we can promote the healthy and sustainable development of AI and benefit from its immense advantages.【译文】现今,人们越来越意识到人工智能对我们生活的影响。从虚拟助手到自动驾驶汽车,人工智能带来了许多积极的变化,但也存在潜在的风险和伦理问题。一方面,人工智能是推动我们学习和工作的引擎。由人工智能所驱动的机器可以更快地执行任务,提高制造业、信息技术和医疗保健等行业的生产效率。此外,由人工智能所驱动的设备能够提供个性化的推荐,提升了用户体验,改善我们的日常生活。另一方面,人工智能也引起了一些担忧。由于越来越能够执行由人类执行的传统任务,这会带来失业风险。此外,过度依赖人工智能可能会对人类的独立思考和探索能力构成潜在威胁,因为有些人在做决定时只会依赖人工智能而不再自己思考。总之,我们需要认识到人工智能的重要性并预期它巨大的潜力。通过仔细考虑和适当的监管,我们可以促进人工智能的健康、可持续发展,并从中受益。

2、应对压力(建议措施)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to cope with academic pressure. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

【范文】Living in an age of fierce competition, more students than ever are suffering from tremendous pressure to excel in school and maintain good grades, which may exert negative impacts on students’ physical and mental health. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to cope with academic pressure.To address this issue, there are a few steps that students can take. Firstly, setting reasonable goals is an effective way to reduce pressure. A typical example is that one can make a to-do list to manage his daily tasks efficiently and avoid being overwhelmed. Secondly, taking regular exercise is considered as one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Numerous studies have shown that exercise releases dopamine, which can improve mood and reduce anxiety. Thirdly, it is advisable to create a positive mindset. When faced with setbacks or difficulties, we should look on the bright side and have faith in ourselves.In conclusion, I firmly believe that by following these simple strategies, students can manage academic pressure effectively. We ought to keep in mind that academic success should not come at the cost of our physical and mental well-being.【译文】生活在竞争激烈的时代,很多学生承受着巨大的压力在学校表现出色并保持良好的成绩,这对学生的身心健康会产生负面影响。因此,学会如何应对学业压力至关重要。为了解决这个问题,学生可以采取几个步骤。首先,设定合理的目标是减轻压力的有效方式。一个典型的例子是,可以制定一个待办事项清单,有效地管理日常任务,并避免被压垮。其次,经常锻炼被认为是缓解压力最有效的方式之一。许多研究已经表明,运动释放多巴胺,可以改善情绪并减少焦虑。第三,建议保持积极的心态。面临挫折或困难时,我们应该看到光明的一面,对自己有信心。总之,我坚信,通过这些简单的方法,我们可以有效地管理学业压力。我们还应该记住,学术成功不应以我们的身心健康为代价。

3、坚持不懈的精神(意义阐述)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay by commenting on the saying “Constant dropping wears the stone.” You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


As the enlightening proverb goes, constant dropping wears the stone. The profound meaning in this quote convinces us that persistent and consistent effort can overcome even the most difficult obstacles, which is applicable to all aspects of life.

To begin with, perseverance lays the solid foundation for one’s future success. Without constant effort, Da Vinci would never become a world-renowned painter; Marie Curie would never discover radium; Max would never finish his great works. It is through dogged perseverance that humans can explore the unknown and succeed in the future endeavors. Moreover, being persistent can help us develop a strong will. For instance, a weak-willed man tends to give up halfway, let alone achieving his goals. On the contrary, those who have strong persistence and determination will be able to overcome obstacles and reach their objectives.

In essence, the small things we do daily can accumulate to make a significant difference. Constant effort in anything we do will eventually wear down obstacles and bring us great success. Therefore, college students should be encouraged to be resilient and persistent not only in their study but also in the rest of their life.








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